We are excited to present to you a few exclusive images and information on new Chanel handbags that were presented
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fashion is a industry where things are often taken to their logical extremes. While some women are likely still paying
logo bags were a staple of my childhood. While my pals were playing the piano or kicking a soccer ball
winter season is upon us, with temperatures that chill us to the bone, but fret not – resort is starting
I’m continuously inspecting new arrivals on my preferred buying sites as well as just recently discovered a huge influx of
Patchworking is where it’s at. numerous designers love to put together a funky bag of patchwork- I love it. maybe
picture by means of Style.com Normally for want It Wednesday, we pick a certain product (which may or may not
Katie Holmes has gone from the girl on the Creek, to the girl with the wacko husband, to the girl
In today’s installment of closet Confessionals, we meet a lawyer on the verge of 30 who has her purse priorities