Burberry leather messenger Bag

It appears as though a major designer is finally getting real about what the economic downturn might mean to their handbag business, and not in any small way. The Burberry leather messenger Bag is part of a line of several bags that the brand has put out this season with price tags drastically lower than their normal leather offerings would be. This one, for example, is priced at staggeringly low (for a brand like Burberry) $375.

And although the bag may be fairly simple in design, it doesn’t seem like an afterthought to me. The finish of the leather reminds me of the crinkly bags that Prada has released this season, except this bag is slightly more matte and the shoulder strap allows it to be worn as a very elegant oversized shoulder bag or across the body. good design doesn’t necessarily mean extra complications, and based on this line from Burberry, it also doesn’t mean exorbitant prices. This may not be the most exciting bag that any of us have ever seen, but I think the price point is cause to celebrate indeed. buy through Saks for $375.

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