Ghibli Reptile tote Bag

Still on the exotic hunt, it is important to help anyone who wants an exotic handbag to find one in their price range. There is always a multitude of options, you just need to look for them. Luckily, you have me scouring the web for new handbags and designers that offer products in a wide range of prices. While many of us lust after high end designer exotics, the prices make me cringe, thinking that a automobile is a better option. Forzieri offers a wide variety of Italian luxury brands, including many that sell exotic skins. The Ghibli Reptile tote Bag is designed with Indian python skin and accented with brass studs and a zip front pocket. There is a long shoulder strap, which has the ability to be sized. I would throw this bag on over my shoulder and wear it day-to-day. The price is quite reasonable for an exotic, costing less than many Prada Nylon bags.

Buy through Forzieri for $1274.

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